H ave you got something on your mind? Is there something about Zelda that you'd like to tell the whole world? Do you want to speculate about a particular element of the series or share your knowledge on a certain subject? Maybe you want to discuss fanfiction or share a theory about Hyrule's history. Whatever you want to do, this is the place to have YOUR say on the matter. Here, you can submit all kinds of articles and they can be as long or as short as you please. What you write about is up to you (within reason, of course!) and this is open to all submissions. Articles are sorted from date of submission, and include title, author and date. Instructions for submissions are below.
Submission Instructions
- Send all submissions to juliet@northcastle.co.uk
- Include your name, title (and email address if you like).
- Your submission may be pasted into the email body or sent as plain text or HTML.
- That's it!
This is an UNOFFICIAL site and is in no way supported by Nintendo. The Legend of Zelda®, Link, Princess Zelda, Ganon and other related characters belong to Nintendo. The images and information on these pages are purely for entertainment value only.
This page was created by Juliet A. Singleton © 1998-2014. All rights reserved.