General Info
Name: Zelda-girl Location: Hawaii Category: Writer/Artist Contact:
Zelda_girl is one of the newer contributors to North Castle but she's submitted something new nearly every month, which is great! Sometimes she also partners up for her friend Link_fan and they've written a couple of humour stories together such as Foreign Invader. As well as drawing, she's also contributed to the NC humour section and movie theatre but my favourite pieces of work by her are her romance stories focusing on Link and Zelda's daughter and Ganondorf's son, Nothing Like His Father and World's Apart.
Current Works
Stand-Alone Works
Alone The Diary of Princess Aurora The Final Battle Serial Works
Book 1: I'm Always in Your Heart Book 2: Darkness of the Heart Book 3: Nothing Like His Father Book 4: Worlds Apart Legend of the Ring Series
Book 1: The Beginning of the Fellowship Book 2: The Towers Two Co-Written Works
Cruise Klutz Foreign Invader Sit'n on a Log The Talent Disaster Other Contributions
North Castle: The Best Zelda Website Ever (fan movie) Legend of Zelda - The Kazoo of Time Art Gallery
Quick Q&A
1. So most importantly, how did you get into the Legend of Zelda?
Well I got my nintindo 64 and started playing Oot, but I got scared from the music and the monsters that I couldn't get past the first level.
2. And what's your favourite game in the series?
I'd have to say The Ocarina of Time! I love it! I just beat it actually (with the cheat book). I just love the way it tells the story of Hyrule's origin and the Triforce and all that mucho grande stuff. It rules.
3. Why did you choose The Legend of Zelda to devote so much of your creative energy to?
Because I love fantasy and that's pretty much what The Legend of Zelda is! The only thing that's logically possible in the game is Link riding Epona! That's what I love about it!
4. What are the main influences for your work?
Daily life in general! I usually just go out to my tree house with my friend Link_fan and we just sit there and talk about what happened to us today until one of us gets a "zing!" and we get an idea and wright it out. Most of our stuff is not even on North Castle, but we plan to put it there eventually. key word :eventually
5. What is your favourite piece of work you've done, and why?
I'd have to say... Foreign Invader because I love Cheeze from Foster's Home For Imaginary Friends and I LOOOOVE The Legend of Zelda, so Link_fan and I thought, why not stick Cheeze in Hyrule!?!
6. Who is your favourite character to write/draw, and why?
I"d have to say I've only drawn one thing and it's not on North Castle, but I'm planning to put in there. I think I like writing about Link and Ganondorf, because I can do just about anything with them. On the other hand I like drawing and writing Zelda because she's so beautiful and graceful so... I'm not quite sure. It's a tie between those three.
7. Are there any fan writers/artists that you admire?
That's pretty tough. I'd have to say the formal writer Alexandra Spears, even though she doesn't write anymore. I love her story Protector. I think it's really romantic.
8. How did you find North Castle?
2 hours, a rainy Saturday, and "The Legend of Zelda" on the Google search bar. Enough said!
9. Why did you decide to post your work at North Castle?
So my true talent would be recognized!!! Not really. I just felt like everybody would like the stories that I wrote!
10. Finally, any plans for the future regarding your work?
Many many many more humor parodies to come. And there's another romance story that I'm working on right now. I think it will be my best one yet!
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