General Info
Name: MegaZeldaMan Location: Southeastern Indiana, USA Category: Artist/Musician/Writer Contact:
MegaZeldaMan is one of North Castle's new contributors and always has something new to send me each month, whether it be a story, a midi, artwork or. He's added to lots of sections of the site in a really short time! I look forward to seeing what he creates in future, my favourite piece of work so far is his story Legends Live Forever and of course his gift artwork to me of the Singleton Sword and Shield :)
Current Works
Stand-Alone Works
Charity The Great Hylian Legend Legends Live Forever The Legend of the Ultra Smash Brothers Link's Memories of Zelda Treasure in Free Verse Triad Serial Works
Almanac: The Legendary Blades Blade Quest: Part 1 Morning Star Other Contributions
Various Zelda midis Fan Films: True Love and A Hero's Life Art Gallery
Quick Q&A
1. So most importantly, how did you get into the Legend of Zelda?
I started play video games when I was four years old, yeah four. The Legend of Zelda and the Adventure of Link were very appealing to me but the one that pretty much nailed it for me was Link to the Past.
2. And what's your favourite game in the series?
Hmm, that's a toughie because as newer games come out, favorites change. I'd have to say it's Twilight Princess. Bringing up the rear are Ocarina of Time and Link to the Past.
3. Why did you choose The Legend of Zelda to devote so much of your creative energy to?
If there was one part in my history I always liked to read about it was the Middle Ages. The age of kings, castles, crusades, and knights. The age when combat was done with sword, shield, and spear. The age most associated with magic, wizards, heroes, and damsel princesses. The Legend of Zelda is a perfect reflection of such a culture.
4. What are the main influences for your work?
Besides Zelda (obviously), history of the Middle Ages is a major influence. Experiences in my own life have also helped. But most of all I thank the almighty God for my imagination. Without Him, I could do nothing.
5. What is your favourite piece of work you've done, and why?
That has to be my first fan-fic, The Legend of the Ultra Smash Bros. The Ultra Smash Bros. (Lumine, Crepusculum, Rosa Stellarum, and Media Nox) were characters that I created long ago but never used them until now. I often imagine myself as being Media Nox.
6. Who is your favourite character to write/draw, and why?
Hmm, put both Link and Zelda on the top podium. I couldn't possibly write about one without writing about the other (N. B. I don't draw people, just emblems. Otherwise, I copy official Nintendo artwork and modify it). My favorite bad guy is Dark Link. I just love the "darkside" concept and that being so he can compete against Link for Zelda's love *heh heh heh*. I'll be writing quite a few stories about him eventually.
7. Are there any fan writers/artists that you admire?
Crazyfreak is THE ultimate artist. But she isn't the only one I admire. I just love artists who can draw pictures with such sophistication. Some, but not all, of these others are MaluCLBS, Melora, Boba2009, and Dark Link. And Musica is THE musician. Her poetry, and her ability to tie it with Zelda songs, was something I tried to do but I failed.
8. How did you find North Castle?
The first website I ever went to for Zelda stuff was Ganon's Tower. After perusing that for several years, I found Zelda Dungeon. One of the links at the top of Zelda Dungeon's page was North Castle. With one click, I was hooked.
9. Why did you decide to post your work at North Castle?
Because it is the best Zelda website I have ever visited. Most others have those annoying "survey" or "click here and win a prize" advertisements. But North Castle is clean of such junk. Keep it that way, Lady Juliet.
10. Finally, any plans for the future regarding your work?
*sigh* What "To be or not to be" was to Hamlet, this is to me; the question. My greatest strengths lie in my writing and music making so I'm expecting to do much in those categories. As an artist, I'm only good on computer where the handy "copy and paste" trick is available.
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This page was created by Juliet A. Singleton © 2010. All rights reserved.