North Castle and it's sister site BotU are run primarily as one-man sites, but we wouldn't be able to keep going without all the help of our numerous contributors. In addition to that we've got some excellent help at the forums. Listed below are the contact details for the people who make things happen so if you've got any questions, comments or suggestions, feel free to drop us a line!There's also the details of some of our special contributors who help with design aspects or specific section contributions. They are experts in their areas - please visit their sites and again I'm sure they'd be more than happy to answer any questions you might have.
Lady Juliet
Real Name: Juliet Singleton Location: UK Position: North Castle webmistress Duties: Site design, content, FTP, HTML, forum admin, submission acceptances, in charge of everything, basically. Contact:
Real Name: Kirsty Singleton Location: UK Position: BotU webmistress Duties: Maintaining site 'Brotherhood of the Underworld'. Submission acceptances, HTML, design, content, forum admin. Website: BotU Contact:
Real Name: Brandon Ballenger Location: USA Position: Forum Administrator Duties: Forum admin, forum design, special effects :D Website: Ambient Skies Contact:
Real Name: aka 'Mantoinette' Location: Netherlands Position: Site Artist Duties: Allows use of her fantastic LoZ artwork throughout the site. Website: Momentary Destiny and Demoic Heaven Contact:
Real Name: Cheryl Goacher Location: UK Position: Nintendo Collectibles Expert Duties: FireHawk is a mad collector of all kinds of things however her main skill is finding LoZ related goodies, photographing them and examining their origins. Website: The FireHawk's Realm Contact:
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This is an UNOFFICIAL site and is in no way supported by Nintendo. The Legend of Zelda, Link, Princess Zelda, Ganon and other related characters belong to Nintendo. The images and information on these pages are purely for entertainment value only.
This page was created by Juliet A. Singleton © 2001-2008. All rights reserved.