Welcome to North Castle's Special Fan-Fiction Archive. These stories have been submitted in the annual North Castle Forms Fan-Fiction Competition - no-one is ever a loser and all the pieces come to live here once they've been judged and prizes awarded. They are all mostly short pieces done by some of North Castle's most prolific members, so you can expect a really high standard of writing in this section. You will only see your story here if you enter the competition.
All of the stories are all rated and classified in alphabetical order by title for easy listing. The review system is currently down until further notice. If you want to get in touch with me about any problems such as missing stories/parts, or any other feeedback you want to pass along please drop me an email.
You can return to the main libary by using the quick links at the bottom of the page if you want to read stories from the other sections available - you will also return there at the end of each story.
Ratings Explanation
Here at North Castle stories are classified by a ratings system so you can determine what you are reading. This system is here to protect both the reader and author - please take heed of the rating. There are stories here for all ages and while I try to ensure that nothing grossly objectional is posted here, some material maybe considered unsuitable for some readers.
U - Universal. Suitable for all ages.
PG - Parental Guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children. Implied violence or sexual situations possible.
12 - Not suitable for anyone under the age of 12. Some violence, implied sexual situations and mildly strong language.
15 - Not suitable for anyone under the age of 15. Violence, sexual situations, mildly strong language.
18 - No one under 18 admitted. Graphic Violence, sexual situations and very strong language.
Story Title
Author Base Rated Reviews 10 Miles From Home Updated 02/07/08
Kirsty Singleton LoZ/AoL U The Amulet
The Link LoZ-AoL PG Bargaining
Wizera LoZ-AoL U Black and Blue Updated 24/01/09
Lord Grenhoth OoT U The Choice Updated 24/01/09
Kirsty Singleton LA U A Darkness At North Castle
Link Æwondåslåmon LoZ-AoL U Dreams and Reality Updated 24/01/09
FireHawk TP U The Fall of Hyrule Castle Town
Janus OoT U House of Hyrule
Sailor Lilith-chan LoZ-AoL U I'll Always Be Loyal
Megan O'Shea LoZ-AoL U Ironknuckle
Kirsty Singleton AoL U A Link to the Past - The Missing Scenes Updated 22/02/09
Juliet A. Singleton LttP U Lost and Found Updated 22/02/09
Sir Calibur OoT U Midnight Updated 02/07/08
Wizera LoZ-AoL U North Castle: Impa's Tale
Juliet A. Singleton LoZ-AoL U The North Castle Inn
Zinedine Moriarty LoZ-AoL U Ove Ten Updated 02/07/08
Zinedine Moriarty & Kirsty Singleton LoZ-AoL U Reflection of Shadows Mysterious Hylian Warrior OoT U Ten Pints Updated 02/07/08
Juliet A. Singleton LoZ-AoL U
Main Library
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This page was created by Juliet A. Singleton © 1998-2013. All rights reserved.