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Ratings Explanation
Here at North Castle stories are classified by a ratings system so you can determine what you are reading. This system is here to protect both the reader and author - please take heed of the rating. There are stories here for all ages and while I try to ensure that nothing grossly objectional is posted here, some material maybe considered unsuitable for some readers.
U - Universal. Suitable for all ages.
PG - Parental Guidance suggested. Some material may not be suitable for children. Implied violence or sexual situations possible.
12 - Not suitable for anyone under the age of 12. Some violence, implied sexual situations and mildly strong language.
15 - Not suitable for anyone under the age of 15. Violence, sexual situations, mildly strong language.
18 - No one under 18 admitted. Graphic Violence, sexual situations and very strong language.
Story Title
Author Base Rated Reviews Adventure in Calatia
Book 1: From Hyrule to Calatia Updated 20/05/07
Book 2: Riding into the Unknown Updated 20/05/07
Book 3: Battle in the Cavern Updated 23/06/07
Book 4: The Final Battle Updated 21/07/07
Doug LoZ-AoL 12 The Adventures of Link, The Hero of Time & Tigress the Tiger Demoness
Book 1: The Beginning
Book 2: Return of Vizerra
Book 3: New Villains, New Heroes
Mike OoT+ PG After The Twilight
Book 1: Tranquility Updated 20/04/08
Book 2: The Gathering Storm Updated 20/04/08
Book 3: Halting Darkness's Advance Updated 24/05/08
Book 4: Of Kings and Heroes Updated 21/06/08
Holly Janda TP PG Another Adventure
Part 1 Updated 23/09/06
Part 2 Updated 23/02/08
Part 3 Updated 26/09/10
Doug LoZ-AoL PG The Awakening Trilogy
Book 1: Paradise Faileth
Landon Hawes OoT PG The Beginning of the End
Book 1: The Beginning of the End Updated 24/01/09
Book 2: The Sacrifice Updated 25/10/09
Book 3: The Prophecy Updated 30/09/11
Corey Neudeck TP PG Belgarath's Trilogy
Book 1: The Quest of King Zora
Book 2: Escape from the Abyss
Book 3: The Wisdom of The AncientsBelgarath the Sorceror OoT U The Chronicles of Ascension
Book 1: The Sorcerer's Apprentice
Book 2: Shadows of Doubt
Book 3: Forest of Revelation
DTaige LttP PG The Flaming Twilight Trilogy
Book 1: Heir of the Red Headed
Book 2: The Dragon Dawning
Book 3: Colored Midnight
Eon OoT U The Gerudo King Trilogy
Book 1: The Gerudo King
Shantay Nayyirah OoT 12 The Gerudo Topaz
Book 1: Orca Pride Updated 20/11/07
Book 2: Saber Tooth Pride Updated 25/01/08
Book 3: Jaguar Pride Updated 23/02/08
Book 4: Dragon Pride Updated 22/03/08
Book 5: Kodiak Pride Updated 20/04/08
Book 6: Gerudo Pride Updated 24/05/08
Wizera OoT 15 The Green Rogue
Part One Updated 22/11/09
Nathan Bolduc OoT 15 The Hero
Book 1: The AssaultAkakaze OoT-MM U Holiday in Termina
Book 1: Carnival TimeLinnča Karlsson OoT-MM U Hyrule's Destiny Saga
Book 1: The Stormreaper War Part 1 Part 2
Book 2: The Hidden Triforce Part 1 Part 2
Rogue OoT PG In The Meantime...
Book 1: The Beginning
Book 2: The Kokiri
Lonneke Mous OoT U The Last Journey of the Sheikah
Episode 1: Vampire in Hyrule
Episode 2: One Hero, Now Killer
Episode 3: The Partnership
Episode 4: Wasteland Horrors
Episode 5: The New Threat Updated 30/10/11
Episode 6: Maiden's Fortress Updated 30/10/11
Mysterious Hylian Warrior OoT PG Legend of the Ring
Book 1: The Beginning of the Fellowship Updated 23/12/07
Book 2: The Towers of Two Updated 21/09/08
Zelda_girl OoT/TP PG Link Meets His Darkness
Prologue: Warriors of Hyrule 28/04/13
Book 1: Discovery REVISED 26/09/09
Book 2: War Updated 22/02/09
Book 3: Attack of the Innocents 25/07/09
Book 4: Hero's Legacy 24/01/10
Joran OoT PG The Loud Whispers Trilogy
Book 1: The Songbird
Book 2: The Land of Dreams
Book 3: Raising the StakesEon OoT U The Love Trilogy
Book 1: For His Princess
Book 2: Zelda's Love
Book 3: VengeanceAlexandra Spears LoZ-AoL PG Mimi's Adventures
Book 1: Mimi's Adventures
Book 2: The Showdown
Book 3: The War
Book 4: The Whispering Woods
Book 5: The Past
Book 6: The Final Battle Updated 23/04/06!
Mimichan OoT-MM U Legend of Zelda: Oracles of Destiny Saga
Book 1: Oracles of Destiny Updated 26/12/08
Book 2: Harry Potter and the Oracles of Destiny Updated 21/02/10
Karl H TP 12 Prelude To Legends
Book 1: The Hyrule Fantasy
Christopher Blair prequal PG Legend of Zelda: Radio Show Scripts
Book 1: Return to Hyrule
Book 2: Broken LinksNoMan LoZ-WW 15 Legend of Zelda: The Reaper of Demons
Book 1: The Reaper is BornLink to the Legends OoT 15 The Sagas of Sage
Book 1: Ganon's Game
Book 2: Link & Ronins To Arms link fixed 10/08/09Spirit of Halo OoT PG/18 Secrets of the Triforce
Book 1: Fall of the Hero of Time Updated 21/06/08
John Rodgers Oot-MM PG Shadows of the Past
Episode 1: The Looming Shadow Updated 24/05/08
Episode II: The Lengthening Shadow Updated 21/06/08
Episode III: The Lingering Shadow Updated 21/06/08
Episode IV: Gods of Shadow Updated 25/04/09
Wm. Jay Carter III Oot-MM PG The Shadow Series
Book 1: The Triforce of Evil
Book 2: Hero of the MindNick Baldwin OoT U The Sheikan Chronicals
Book 1: Rise of the Sheikah
Wolfos Terrance OoT-WW 15 The Sheikah Way
Part 1
Part 2
Part 3
Wizera OoT 12 The Sorcerors of Hyrule Saga
Book 1: Radiation
Eon OoT U The Three Kingdoms Trilogy
Book 1: The Usurper
Book 2: The Crown
Julietta F. OoT U The Tragedy and Triumph Saga
Book 1: Quest For The Mastersword
Book 2: Ganon's Plot
Book 3: Ascension
Book 4: Interim
Book 5: Reclamation
Alexandra Spears LoZ-AoL PG Twilight Princess: The Continuing Legend
Book 1: The Return of the King Updated 23/06/07
Book 2: Wolf's Oath Updated 25/09/07
Book 3: Survival of the Fittest Updated 21/06/08FireHawk TP PG Lady McKenna's Series
Book 1: The Return of a Warrior
Book 2: The JourneyLady McKenna OoT U
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