General Info
Name: Zelda F. Barrow (or Z. Farore Barrow) Location: Las Vegas (or as I call it: Gerudo Valley. Trust me: if Gerudo Valley were real... ^_- ). Category: Webmistress/Movie Creato Contact: Website: The Gerudo Language
Movie Page - Ask PZ and fan films
Zelda F. Barrow is one of North Castle's more unusual contributors. Most people write stories or draw pictures but Zelda went one step further in writing, filing AND starring in many amazing fan videos based on Zelda. Some are even recorded in different languages including French AND Sheikan! Not only that but she's also worked hard to create the Gerudo language and her website has all kinds of great things including a dictionary, grammar, Gerudo receipes and lots of other fun stuff! I adore her 'Ask Princess Zelda' series which has run for over 3 seasons and includes special guests and even 'minisodes'. Lots of fun. Keep them coming!
Current Works
Fan Films
Ask Princess Zelda Season 1 Ask Princess Zelda Season 2 The Hero of Hyrule The Sacred Object Other Projects
You Can Speak Gerudo!
Quick Q&A
1. So most importantly, how did you get into the Legend of Zelda?
It began when I was kid. Played the original 2 LOZ games while my brother was out playing with friends. I never got into them, seriously until I was about 19. My now fiance introduced me to Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time. I was surprised how good it was and that Ganondorf was not a pig-beast like in the cartoons I used to watch in 1989 with my brother. And Navi was nothing like Spryte.
2. And what's your favourite game in the series?
Tough call. Used to be Ocarina of Time, but I have learned to appreciate Majora's Mask, because of how different it was compared to the usual Rescue the Princess and get the Triforce back-plot that I was used to.
3. Why did you choose The Legend of Zelda to devote so much of your creative energy to?
I am not quite sure, honestly.
4. What are the main influences for your work?
The Gerudo Language was inspired by Sarinilli's Hylian and the fact that I read linguistic-anthropology at university. I loved learning languages, too. I already was good at French and German. I was studying Mandarin Chinese at the time. My first linguistics professor was also a great influence.
My mum. She always said I need to socialise more and not be afraid to talk to people. Ask PZ is great practise.
Ask Princess Zelda (2007-present) was also inspired by Ice Sycle of IZC/IZC forums. People would post questions/theories about the LOZ games and storylines. I would usually be one of the first respond with answers about them, because I knew much about the series.
And my username WAS Princess Zelda. I decided to dedicate a show to it. Have real LOZ fans send in questions.
Ice is brilliant: he gave me the best advice 'Only a poor artist blames his tools.'. Inspiring!5. What is your favourite piece of work you've done, and why?
While Ask PZ is fun to do: it is not rather popular with the majority of LOZ fans. In fact: I actually think it gets more jeers than cheers.
The Gerudo Language is my baby, though. It is much more thought provoking and I frequently get requests for the textbook and worksheets I made based on the content from my web-site. Organise it all in one place and make it easily accessible offline.
And my YouTube Gerudo language lessons are quite popular. Even more so than Ask PZ.
My mum thinks it should be my first LOZ fan-film The Legend of Zelda: Hero of Hyrule or as I call it: Legend of Lina. She thought it was brilliant. I recently translated the movie into French.6. Who is your favourite character to write/draw/act, and why?
For Ask Princess Zelda: ironically enough, Professor Ganonslayer (introduced in Series 3). He is witty and sarcastic. He also adds more character to the show. The comedic sidekick to Princess Zelda's straight man. I think he's ace!
7. Are there any fan/serious writers/artists that you admire?
James Clavell. Jasper Fforde (Thursday Next and Nursery Crimes series) and Michael J. Nelson (Mystery Science Theater 3000 host/head-writer) for the more comedic stuff.
8. How did you find North Castle?
Through Ice's Zelda Central. I knew of it through Sarinilli's Hyrule Realm, before then, though.
9. Why did you decide to post your work at North Castle?
Lady Juliet offered. I also thought it would be a good way to get more people to take a quick gander at my web-site. I knew North Castle was a popular Zelda web-site. I admired Lady Juliet's work and wished I could be as good a web-mistress as she is.
10. Finally, any plans for the future regarding your work?
I have been making Gerudo (Desert Dialect) video Language Lessons on YouTube. I plan to make more. Demonstrate the spoken aspect of the language.
As for Ask PZ: Professor Ganonslayer recently joined the cast and has proven himself to be a fantastic addition to the show. As I said: he adds more humour to an otherwise lack-luster show. I now look forward to writing more episodes of the show. I just need more questions. No one writes into the show, anymore.
In addition: I plan to integrate my Gerudo Language with Ask PZ by translating the older and newer episodes into Desert Dialect. Those would be for the people who are independently studying Gerudo. Give them some more examples of Spoken Gerudo. Help them become fluent if they fancy.
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