General Info
Name: Dorothy Ferr Location: Canada, ON, Kitchener Category: Writer/Artist Website: deviantArt Gallery Contact:
Dorothy is a hard-working writer and I am currently chronicling her epic series here at North Castle which has some great original characters. I was really delighted to find out as well as writing Dorothy is a really talented pencil artists (one of my favourite mediums) and my favourite piece by has got to be of Impa.
Current Works
Serial Works
Book 1: The Ryfters Art Gallery
Quick Q&A
1. So most importantly, how did you get into the Legend of Zelda?
I actually became a fan by just catching a glimpse of Link in Super Smash Bothers Melee- I had no clue who he was or what game he was from, but I knew for certain I was attached to him very strongly. So I immediately set to work to find out more about him. The first game I played was Wind Waker- then I moved on to the classics such as Ocarina of Time and what not. In total I have played 5 Zelda games and I researched the others so I could get the characters and plot lines accurately in my Fan Fiction -yes I am a geek and am proud of it ^^
2. And what's your favourite game in the series?
Twilight Princess all the way!!!!
3. Why did you choose The Legend of Zelda to devote so much of your creative energy to? tell you the truth I was absolutely obsessed with Link to the point of breaking down because I knew he wasn't real - sad really I'm kinda embarrassed about it ^^;. I've recovered from that stage and have pulled back to being passionate about him instead. I am determined to get my theories out there some day. It's basically the only outlet I have for my love of Legend of Zelda. lol
4. What are the main influences for your work?
The characters. They are so interesting I wanted to do them justice and give them flesh and blood. And I kinda feel like they all really do have lives of their own - even ones I created myself! I always have to ask them if the scene makes sense to them and if I'm making them act properly - sometimes they can be picky >.> -lol yup I have voices in my head lol - jokes
5. What is your favourite piece of work you've done, and why?
Of my drawings it would be the cover of my first book I think: Return of Ancient Times (now rewritten and entitled The Chronicles of Heikou: The Ryfters)- I managed to squeeze in 14 characters along with the Triforce in a matter of a few hours. I'm happy with the vibrancy and detail ^^ I did alot of research to make sure each of the character's looks were right.
6. Who is your favourite character to write/draw, and why?
That'd be Link seeing as he's the biggest crush I have ever experienced! Yeah it's kinda sad lol - oh well at least he was a great inspiration.
7. Are there any fan writers/artists that you admire?
I admire Stella B. an artist on Deviant Art whom is very accomplished in digital drawings! I'm telling you! She's done these wonderful masterpieces of Midna, Zant, Ilia and Link and many other characters. They're positively gorgeous. I'm working hard to even get within a fraction of the talent.
8. How did you find North Castle?
I researched for different web sites I could post on- and North Castle caught my eye.
9. Why did you decide to post your work at North Castle?
When a close friend: Alison Longstaff, Author of Heaven Sent, told me I should get my writing out there.
10. Finally, any plans for the future regarding your work?
When I have completed the Trilogy I will send a message to Nintendo to ask permission if I can publish it. I know full well I will have to sacrifice both arm and leg for this and that there is a huge chance they will say no or ignore me completely. But seeing as I've been getting nothing but good comments and contructive critiques- I hope by the end of this I will have a few fans at my back to support me- not only fans of my writing but of my acting career as well- yes I am making a name for myself and aiming for Hollywood. So just maybe- I may have a chance ^^
Thanks for the interview ^^
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