Zelda Arts & Crafts


email: shadsieblue@yahoo.com

site: deviantArt Gallery

site: La Casa Calavera

As well as being a talented artist and writer, Shadsie is also an excellent craftworker. As well as her beautifully painted animal skulls she also makes jewellery too using shrinky dink plastic and prismacolor pencils. uses a variety of different methods in her craft work. This artist is open to commissions, please contact her by email if you are interested.

Monster Charms
Lucky Monster Charms
Little Triforce Earrings
Ordon Goat Sculpture
Epona - Twilight Princess Version

Main Gallery

This is an UNOFFICIAL site and is in no way supported by Nintendo. The Legend of Zelda, Link, Princess Zelda, Ganon and other related characters belong to Nintendo. The images and information on these pages are purely for entertainment value only. The images above belong to the artists concerned, and cannot be reproduced anywhere without the artists' permission.

 This page was created by Juliet A. Singleton © 2010. All rights reserved.